Sunday 19 February 2012

Web cam re situated

Sunday Feb 19 .
After yesterdays disappointment , decided to move the webcam to the dining room.
Would have loved to had it set up in the lounge where most of the activity has been,but for some reason ,
the recordings wont play , maybe it knows.

Web cam up and running , will post videos photos if anything occurs.

Saturday 18 February 2012

Thought everything was ok

I have to admit , i felt great earlier , today .
now  , im not so sure

Web cam running all day....

Got to be honest , a little disappointing today ,  set the webcam up where most of the sightings have been.
the webcam captured lots of stuff , nearly 1 gig , but nothing of any relevance.
Always tomorrow !

Im still optimistic , i have one short video ,that has captured my ghost on video,
will update later with any new developents.

really could do with a wireless webcam ,but funds are limited at present , if any one knows of a dirt cheap one , let me know.

Friday 17 February 2012

Learning To Live with This

 Today i downloaded some software called Ghost Monitor,available for free download at Http:// . After installing the software and hooking up the webcam , a bit of getting used to the software , i had my first web cam encounter with our ghost.

 I feel so more at ease with what im dealing with , to be honest , im quite excited in a way , i would really like to understand  , try to communicate with this .paranormal being. I will try and upload videos and pictures as soon as my paranormal being materializes!

Below is the first of the webcam recordings , the shadow is seen as soon as the video starts
The picture below the video , is the same room but in daylight.

More pictures and videos will be uploaded as soon as i capture them on the webcam.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Really need some suggestions..

Hi thanks for taking the time to look at this post.
To cut a long story short , i think we may have a spirit , entity , ghost residing with us.
We sold up our properties in the UK , and decided to move to Spain , that's my retired parents , my wife , and me.

My mum spotted a house that she thought would be ideal for us , detached , a bit of land ect.
We  phoned the owner , via a translator , and arranged a meeting / viewing that afternoon.

The property is about 60 years or so ,anyway the owner turns up with his daughter , and lets us look around ,
within minutes , my mum fell in love with the place ,she wanted it !
My wife asked how much for the property ,the owner said 180.000 euros ,my wife without hesitatation said to him 150,000 ,and nodded his head! I can see now why why he was so keen to off load this property.

We have resided in this property.located in Spain,for nearly 9 years , in that time ,we have had three visual sightings ,and numerous personal,feelings,cold,hot,the spine tingle etc.
the first sighting was within the first year of occupation, friends came for a visit,and my friends daughter , who was 3 years old at the time .became,hysterical, really terrified..My friend confronted me and said his daughter had seen something in the bedroom ,me,i shrugged it off,i told him we have lived here for almost a year,we have seen nothing,felt nothing , we have nothing here.
Any way,in the nine years we have been here,my friend has never been back!

Ok on to the second sighting , we lost our mum February last year , had to mention this,because the next two sightings have been more frequent , 2nd sighting , boxing day party ,evening ,sitting next to my good friend , he shouts ,DID YOU SEE THAT ? , no,what did you see i asked, my friend explained best he could ,although a bit shaky ,he seen a black shadow ,with no eyes but a human form ,  floating across the room , and no, we was not  drunk,under the influence at the time.

The third sighting was just over a week ago , my wife and myself had a flu bug, i had just got over it, then the wife got it.
One day she called out to me, John , bear in mind i spend most of my time in the room adjacent  to the lounge where my  wife is, i rushed in and she told me what she had witnessed.
I have to be honest since the most recent sightings ,i have been feeling a little uncomfortable within my home,and would greatly appreciate any advice ,or suggestions.

I have been researching this phenomena via the internet , and have learned  ,  we could  have a shadow person , there is no real evidence to what these  are , some say time travelers , spirits that are earthbound  ,
and so on
I will update any future activity .